Photos: Auschwitz-Birkenau

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View of the entrance to the main camp of Auschwitz (Auschwitz I). The gate bears the motto "Arbeit Macht Frei" (Work makes one free).
View of the kitchen barracks, the electrified fence, and the gate at the main camp of Auschwitz (Auschwitz I). In the foreground is the sign "Arbeit Macht Frei" (Work makes one free).
View of the walled entrance to the gas chamber in the main camp of Auschwitz (Auschwitz I). This gas chamber was in use for only a short time before being converted into a bomb shelter. In the background is a building used by the Gestapo as a regional headquarters.
View of the execution wall next to Block 11 in the Auschwitz I camp after liberation.
A fence around the barracks in the main camp - Auschwitz I.
Auschwitz-Birkenau (part of the barrack city). This camp was in operation from mid-1940 to January, 1945. About 4,500,000 people of 20 nationalities, including 2,000,000 Jews from all the countries of occupied Europe, were exterminated here.
View of the Birkenau camp.
Prisoners of Auschwitz greet their liberators.
Jewish children, kept alive in the Auschwitz II (Birkenau) concentration camp, pose in concentration camp uniforms between two rows of barbed wire fencing after liberation. Still from a postwar Soviet film.
Former women prisoners on the wooden bunks that served as beds in Auschwitz concentration camp.
Women in the barracks of the newly liberated Auschwitz concentration camp.
Ruins of Crematorium II at Birkenau.
Photograph taken immediately after the departure of the Germans from Auschwitz-Birkenau. Sacks of human hair packed for dispatch to Germany.
A warehouse full of shoes and clothing confiscated from the prisoners and deportees gassed upon their arrival.
A large pile of brushes, that were confiscated from arriving prisoners, are stored in one of the warehouses in Auschwitz.
Bales of the hair of female prisoners found in the warehouses of Auschwitz at the liberation.
A large pile of prayer shawls (tallesim, tallitot), that were confiscated from arriving prisoners are stored in one of the warehouses in Auschwitz.
View of one of the warehouses in Auschwitz, which is stuffed to overflowing with clothes confiscated from prisoners.
An aerial reconnaissance photograph of the Auschwitz concentration camp showing the Auschwitz I camp
An aerial reconnaissance photograph of the Auschwitz concentration camp showing the Auschwitz II (Birkenau) camp.
An aerial reconnaissance photograph of the Auschwitz concentration camp showing the destruction of the Auschwitz II (Birkenau) camp by the Germans in expectation of the arrival of Soviet troops. Mission: 15SG/994 5PG or 15SG/997 5PG; Scale: 1/12,500; Focal Length: 24"; Altitude: 25,000'
An aerial reconnaissance photograph of the Auschwitz concentration camp showing the Auschwitz II (Birkenau) camp with bombs descending over crematoria II and III.
An aerial reconnaissance photograph of the Auschwitz concentration camp showing Auschwitz II (Birkenau), including the gypsy camp. One of a series of aerial photographs taken by Allied reconnaissance units under the command of the 15th U.S. Army Air Force during missions dating between April 4, 1944 and January 14, 1945.
Barracks in Trzebnia, sub-camp of Auschwitz.
General view of Trzebnia, sub-camp of Auschwitz.

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A Teacher's Guide to the Holocaust
Produced by the Florida Center for Instructional Technology,
College of Education, University of South Florida © 2000.

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